日曜日, 5月 01, 2011

rambling update

DI has turned into more of a link archive for me -- a place i come on my way to other places. in a way i feel only slightly guilty for not maintaining more of a presence, with the ease and interactivity Facebook provides i've noticed a swing as to how/when i've been posting.

i know Facebook will auto take a blog post, wonder if a blog will grab a Facebook post.... something to explore in the future.

until then here's a quick update on current addictions some of which i plan to set up links to on the side for anyone else interested to visit their sites. some will be previous links that i want to make a bit more permanent - while others i've been visiting for awhile and have yet to mention.

my old WoW addiction has returned with the expansion with a much stronger focus on learning the lore through the quest chains.  i've completed a horde loremaster, and have started another for alliance -- sadly when it comes to quests and lore right now i'd give horde a large jump on two things - story line/quests (there's an actual sense of fighting for survival with storyline inclusion at times that i've yet to feel in any of the alliance quests... but there is still much to explore and do before a final decision can be made)

i never thought it possible but television programming may actually be getting worse. i can think of only a few shows i bother even thinking about keeping track of, the rest of the time the tele is on as background noise and a timer.

i'm in denial about selling the house any more... it's been on the market for awhile now, and between my questioning of what real estate agents do after they get your listing along with how every time the economy starts the government seems to try and put on the breaks i wonder just how long it will take to sell this place without giving it away.

on the plus side i've had the chance to explore some music groups i'd never heard of and start a few more anime series. i can honestly say i've become a even more cynical with the media industry where you get one gem in a large pool of dross (much like the news industry when they pick a lucky horse to beat to death...)

anyway out for now... look for link changes along the side in the future and if i can figure out a way to do it possible Facebook pulls later.

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