"Classification of fantasy and reality is itself a fantasy that humans created, my dear motorrad. Life... It begins when you first make distinction between yourself and others. From that moment on, the world becomes a stage for the story in which you are the main character. All people live in a fantasy in which they are the main character."
"I see."
"But the world doesn't recognize you as the main character at all. What nonsense! Everyone lives their entire life tormented by this confusion! There is only one way out of this hell."
"To place yourself in a position that is neither the main character nor a supporting role. In other words..."
"Yes. The Author."
--Kino no Tabi, Land of Books
Some things can be summed up in cute cut and dried segments. The brief moments in time lend themselves to Twits, Tweets, FaceBook, and G+ among many others. Yet they lack any form of depth and do not lend themselves easily to longer posts.
Life has been full of many random distractions - many times thoughts are formed and lost like mist before the heat of the sun. Which has been driven home in the idea I'm now confident in my lack of ability to distill some thoughts in to a coherent form long enough to share them before the need forces me to move onto the next perceived process.
Maybe it's time then to dust off DI and set aside time for a mental swim instead of just splashing through the puddles between destinations...
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