土曜日, 4月 28, 2007

Buy-in of Hyper-Individuality v.1

Sorry if this sounds kind of random and scattered - I've been trying to think my way through this now for about a week. (Well at least the buy-in part, the hyper individualism is something else I heard recently but it seems to fit.)

I was talking with my boss at work about things we'd like to see change at work, and though the theory was sound out current place in the food chain makes it difficult to make changes without serious support or buy-in from the managers above us - which seems to be becoming more and more difficult as the project list around us continues to shift and change.

With all this chaos it got me to thinking about what things in this life I might "buy-in" to, and there really isn't all that much. I have to admit it's been a while since I really thought about where I put my time and efforts other than the basic needs of survival - and in someway it was both enlightening and frightening. (scary how those things go together most days:)

For the most part I'm finding that I just want the world to leave me alone, and this is where I'm beginning to see the hyper-individualism. Some would say that individualism it the anti-community where the individual takes precedent over all other needs of the greater good - but that is a red herring (i have yet to find a society that was able to last without the individual will of the people without use of excessive force - but even that only had a limited effect).

Anyway I digress.

The real question that seems to be lingering in my mind is how does one create buy-in and how important is it to really buy-in to anything?

I mean for most of my life I've felt like the guy on the side-line. And after watching for so long I can understand why the French had so many revolutions, and the Russians, and let's go ahead and throw in the united states too - it was a way to create/force societal buy-in, and create the needed force to ensure it. Yeah it's possible but it is a red herring too.

That's the part I really need to think on, with the overload of items provided to choose from in the buy-in catalogue of life - what should be chosen, dismissed, and embraced?

Current short list: Family - or those deem'd at family lvl, then it all get's blurry, smudged in the mozac reality that runs on caffinated determination :)

With reality in constant flux in the end it is the individual that will form groups that will focus/change reality. (see power propaganda, my current favorite is the global warming bit after they tried to get everyone to buy into the upcoming ice age.)

Never fails - I now have more questions than I started with :P

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