日曜日, 1月 20, 2008

Razor Tipping

"You're born, you live, and you die. There are no do-overs. No second chances to make things right if you frak them up the first time. Not in this life anyway. . .

Like I said you make your choices and you live with them. And in the end you are those choices."
Kendra Shaw
XO Pegasus

The old and the new are revisited in BSG Razor. Showing glimpses of how our past creates our present and influences our future. Set shortly after Apollo takes command of the Pegasus Battlestar there are moments where the mood reminds me of the episode "Scar" with a touch of the first season as we are allowed glimpses of what happened to Pegasus during those early months of insanity that followed the original assaults on the colonies.

I seem to have given up on my movie rating system maybe later I'll return to it for now know if you fell in love with series it's well worth the watch. . . enough so that I'm already en route to purchase the first two seasons, with the idea of the third and fourth seasons to follow :)

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