土曜日, 1月 19, 2008

Incoming or Lost in the Corn

Life is messy.

A statement that I think few would deny, but it's amazing how a lack of planning on one side can make life so much messier for those on the other. The scary part is how often this is coupled with the cliche of an "Procrastination on your part doesn't make an emergency on mine."

Sadly this may be a defensive cliche in name only, as on more than one occasion has caused others to work quickly in hopes of containing the mess, working to try and negate some of the incoming damage.

At times wishing things into the corn seems so tempting :P, making the idea of the Lone Wolf feel so inviting on the surface.

The hardest part is juggling working with a group with the desire for solitude.

Recently this was illustrated for me when I moved my Pally (which is slowly but surely is becoming my main) to a different guild. To work with others toward a common goal has been refreshing at times. The shift is providing new learning opportunities.

I still solo a lot, but at times it feels like there is more support now than before. I'm rather glad J talked me into the move.

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