日曜日, 2月 03, 2008

2 Toons of Yin and Yang

I've been thinking a lot recently as to what I want my WoW characters to be when they grow up - - sadly to say I'm still unsure what I want to be when I grow up :P

Keep in mind I've been playing WoW now for a few years. . . as currently I have a 'lock at 70, a pally at 69, a priest at 56, a hunter at 50 - with a pet I doubt I will ever get to catch up to lvl due to the advanced xp changes WoW has put out in the past couple of months, and another priest at like lvl 20'ish who has proven to be an excellent mule before the guild banks were implemented. . . There were many others along the way, but none that held my attention for as long as these.

Anyway after thinking it over as much as I enjoy playing different roles it looks like in WoW there are only two or three true roles to be played - - the healer, the killer and the tank. I'm opt'ing for the first two roles and decided to focus on the pally and 'lock.

I started the paladin with with one goal and that was to create a support - even the professions seem a little messed up now when I look at them - Enchanting and Jewel Crafting - not a common mix, and at times very hard to feed the training bill. It was all about support, and now that we're nearing 70 healing seems to be the end route for most.

While the warlock started out of a sudden discovery of something different that and I've always been hooked on 'pet' classes. For the past couple of years playing the hunter has always been enjoyable. Between the hunter and the warlock there were few subtle changes that had pulled me in at first then more and more as I continually discovered more class quests than I had ever had with a hunter.

It is in these two I am planning to balance the healer and the killer, should be interesting. The amount of honor yet to gather seems staggering to get the lock up to gear but will be a good way to get back in shape. Humans are so much more dangerous than NPC mobs. . .

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