土曜日, 2月 02, 2008

The Bronze Kettle

Something fun. . . okay it is WoW related but there is so much more here than just World of Warcraft.


The only catch is it is an Alliance guild, but due to the many other things they have on their site I think we can let that little glitch slide :P

Especially like the recipes section. . .

Deep down I think I'm looking for a way to keep playing - a reason to login - it's not something that can just be given, but something I feel must be discovered. . . at times I think I depend on those around me too much. (Must be the sound of my internal 'coydog' that just needs to stop by town for a while before feeling the urge to flee from the humans again.)

Conan is set to be released around the 20th of May, maybe I just need a change of scenery.

Anyway hope you enjoy the site - I'm strongly thinking about adding it as a link on the side. The question is should it go under World of Warcraft or Hito no Tabi?

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