土曜日, 2月 02, 2008

Partial Winter-een-mas Miracle

It was the last day of the celebration when the snows came, blotting out the paths of the real world, hiding the hardened pavement and roads equally. Reality had been brought to a stand still, roads closed, businesses left empty as workers and students were unable to reach them.

On this day a bitter-sweet miracle occurred. Work was canceled allowing for a little extra game play to occur, but with this blessing came the curse of school being closed as well, the pets were loose - no chance to get them in their daily kennel routine. In many ways it felt like a living parody of a bad Three Stooges episode (with Shep).

Some gaming did occur, settling for little chunks of quality over quantity.

For those who know not of the Winter-een-mas holiday, celebrated Jan 25th-31st:


Okay so it's not like hundreds of years old, mainly due to video games not having been around that long :P - it could become part of the Church of Gaming's cannon though.

Here is the starting link to Winter-een-mas story for this year:



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