火曜日, 2月 12, 2008

Thaw'd Soup

The thaw from 12 Inches of Brrrr has finally arrived which is rather nice as I was to the point where shoveling all that white stuff was becoming a little higher than what I wanted to toss on the sides, and the ice was a bit thicker than one normally wants to walk across without ice cleats or ice skates :P

My only request of mother nature at the moment is that the thaw is a slow one, as deep down I'm less fond of slush than slow and I have no desire to deal with all those lovely news reports of flash flooding. . . either way this 'heat wave' of high 30s and mid 40s degree weather sure feels nice :)

In recent rumor news (just heard this one) Dell is no longer replacing GX270 motherboards for bad capacitors. Looks like the guilt train has finally ran out and we can let this model pass quietly into the night.

Have to admit they supported this model far longer than I thought they would - way past warranty expectations, and all due to some cheap capacitors. High marks for Dell support.

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