火曜日, 2月 12, 2008

Grymm State

I've been watching a lot of Battlestar Galactica over the past few weeks - - enjoying the first two seasons all over again. Currently I'm trying to slow down the pace a bit, as season 3 isn't released on DVD until the end of March.

Even after Razor Tipping the series has remained highly addictive for me.

The timing of Scar though is eerie. With the help of J and many others my pally has finally hit 70, and while she heals the PVE wounds that shall be inflicted I will be relearning the lessons of Scar with my 'lock. . . it will be interesting to see how well I mentally handle the PVP grind to obtain gear.

The principle of equivalent trade seems to enter the picture a bit, intertwined with a test of endurance to find out how much one can learn from death - for in PVP there shall be much of it. . .

In the melee of the mind however I'm also beginning to gain new perspectives from the Adama's decommissioning speech before the cylon attack on the colonies:

The Cylon War is long over, yet we must not forget the reasons why so many sacrificed so much in the cause of freedom. The cost of wearing the uniform can be high, but...

[very long pause]

Sometimes it's too high. You know, when we fought the Cylons, we did it to save ourselves from extinction. But we never answered the question "Why?" Why are we as a people worth saving? We still commit murder because of greed and spite, jealousy, and we still visit all of our sins upon our children. We refuse to accept the responsibility for anything that we've done, . . . Sooner or later, the day comes when you can't hide from the things that you've done anymore.

It's the lingering "Why? Why are we as a people worth saving?" and what will the price be in this world and the next when ". . . the day comes when [we] can't hide from the things that [we've] done anymore."

Got to think on this one - with it being an election year though will it really matter - when choosing the lesser of two evils it's not like you'll get an angel out of the deal :P

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