木曜日, 9月 29, 2005

Ender's Game

Written by Orson Scott Card you can find the short version as it first appeared in 1977 here: Ender's Game.

However I highly recommend the full novel. It answers more questions and fills in the details that you may be craving if you read the shorter version. Games and training are intertwined - with the book working on so many different levels it is still an easy read. Ender's Game can stand on it's own but if you want the series continues.

Maybe I'll post something about them later - who knows. I won't write too much about the plot here as I do not wish to taint your own experience.

Just remember the enemies’ gate is down.

2 件のコメント:

Paul さんのコメント...

Funny you mention this. I just read an article about the new film "Serenity" - review written by Orson Scott Card! Check it out: http://www.hatrack.com/osc/reviews/everything/2005-09-30-extra.shtml

Unknown さんのコメント...

Impressive review. It's been a long time since I've seen a good 'deep' movie. Most seem to have lost the deeper aspects of 'great poetry' (that's another story).

This might be worth seeing - I never really had a chance to catch the series when it was on Fox, it just didn't live long enough and matching schedules was an issue.