月曜日, 10月 03, 2005

Relative Farming

NOTE: 'Farming' is a game term - although family do make execellent slaves at certain times (yes I've helped move the furnature and clean amoung other duties and the pay was well - family pay).

This post is more about farming in a game sense. The redoing of certain tasks to either receive more of a certian reward, or in my case to get a certain reward to drop.

Normally farming is not something I deal with - specially in a game sense. The only reason to do so is for certain items, and after a while the whole thing can be rather tedious. Hence the number one reason why I don't bother with farming at very often.

But now - now there is something that looks worth farming. I've been working to get it now for a couple of days, with NO luck. On the plus side I've made some good 'in game' cash in the process, how ever if I could get just that one item to drop I would gladly leave the area - and considering the remote-ness never come back again.

The trouble is one of simple numbers: only one monster carries the damn thing in the entire area, and I can only get to it about once and hour. So the basic plot now (of which I have gain'd much experience) is enter, take out the guards, kill the monster, leave and currently repeat - repeat - repeat - repeat.

Will it be worth it in the end? Hard to say as at this point I'm still learning by taking advantage of the situation to practice my rusty skills. To much more though and I may just take the money and run.

Now for the fun question - how much 'farming', short of growing food do we do in real life? Is it in the hopes for more of the same or something better, something different?

2 件のコメント:

Paul さんのコメント...

Farming without return is quite possibly the single most frustrating experience I have had in computer gaming. Necessary, but evil.

Unknown さんのコメント...

As frustrating as it is, the feeling of elation when you finally get the item you seek is incredible though.

I would imagine it might have the same rush as the old guy mining for gold, or the poker pro that after a hard night find the suddenly have a royal flush or 4 aces.