火曜日, 10月 04, 2005

Test the Flames

There is an old American Indian story I remember hearing as a youth about how children were taught about fire.

In short:

When the child started to explore it's world all the senses are used. It's only a matter of time until the colorful yellow, orange and gold flames catch a child's eye, some of us are still fascinated by the flicker of a flame no matter what the age. However, instead of always guarding the child from the flame they would let them learn (in a limited way, no sense in frying the next generation) just how hot a fire could be.

In a sense this is what games are all about. The ability to test our limits without fear of burning ourselves TOO MUCH. Games do not stop the burn, but give us a chance to build up a tolerance to the burn or learn how to avoid it. Games test our creative side to solving problems using what tools are provided at hand. It is amazing to see how much pain a person (child and adult) are willing to take if it is a game they are playing vs. how quickly many fold when the game becomes 'real life'.

I look forward to the day of 'Holodeck' Technology. When the game becomes real.

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