月曜日, 11月 14, 2005


I've been thinking about this post now for the past few days - - ever since I got, well 'blindsided' in my current addiction.

It happened during an 'escort' style quest, which I'm not overly fond of either, but for some reason I'll give them a try every now and then.

I had fail'd the first time, it was close but no cigar, extra computer opponents were neither plan'd nor asked for :p. Second round I almost had it - so close I could count the experience points when one of the players on the opposing faction came by and nuked my sorry pixl'd self into an oblivion. Not that it would have taken much - after the last fight with the computer I wasn't in the state to do much more than try to survive just long enough to heal up.

NOTE: I do plan to go back and try this again - - hopefully all will go well this time.

So what does this have to do with life?

Does it really have too?

If YES, read on - If NO, then relax and have a great day. . .

Too many times I find myself in tunnel vision - trapped in my own box. I had planned for the known but had no way to prepare at the moment for my end result.

True this does make a good point for traveling in large heavily arm'd groups, but do we really want/need to go through all those efforts for something that seems so simple? (Yes, hindsight is 20/20 and help would have been nice.)

In the end though traveling in a group can prove just as dangerous as being alone. One by brute force the other by stealth. Either way it only takes one wrong move to get cooked from one world into the next.

In the end it's just a matter of play style, and if our needs match those of the group. A good group can work miracles, a bad one will prove to test our resolve in other ways.

"Blue Rose 2" by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law

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