月曜日, 11月 07, 2005

Starting Over

Probably one of the greatest inventions of the game is the ability to start over or to play again from the beginning after you have 'beat the game' - to clear the board of all pieces, hit the reset button, and try anew at something that seems to be screw'd up beyond repair. Sad thing is that it's only good 'in the game'.

Although there are a few that try to do the same in real life, Witness Protection comes to mind, it's just not the same. In the game it starts fresh and new, you are an 'innocent' player again - no matter how many personalities you have played in the past it is all new again in this round. We may long for the time back in real life, but there is no way to get it. . .at least not yet.

The closest we come in real life is the ultimate cutting of all ties - moving to a distant land where they have never heard of us again and crossing our fingers that NO one from our previous existence ever come to visit or go on vacation. In the extreme we change our names, appearance, and in a sense try to create a NEW identity. For lack of a better way to put it we try to create a new myth of who we are, and who we want to be.

Some are successful with this - keeping this dark skeleton hidden by some miracle until they have long passed away. Long ago it was easier - now technology makes it tricky, not like 're-rolling a character' where we can simply erase the past and start over. . .now secrets seem to need a committee to bury. (Ever try to keep a committee quite - wish ya luck)

So in the end play more games - learn how to start over so that when it happens in real life you'll never have to worry about try to re-roll in this world - - that is unless you can screw up this life soooooo badly that not even the committee want to say anything about it :P and 'The Village' will leave you alone. (Then again I hear that the weather is quite nice in 'The Village', depending on your number of course.)

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