水曜日, 11月 30, 2005


Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, Harvest Festival, Welcoming Father Winter, Blessing of the Harvest, Advent of the Changing Seasons, Day of the Scapegoat or whatever the hell you want to call it -

I admit my current addiction has been keeping me from my blogging duties. . . such is the price and place of addictions to knock other things askew. In some ways I see this as choosing the lesser of two evils, not that I plan to knock of a liquor store or anything, but at the moment it keeps the more dangerous addictions at bay. (For now I think I'll just leave that comment alone, no sense in digging the pit any deeper.)

As for the past week events - that art of diversion is taking on a whole new meaning. I've learned in this realm a good diversion can go a long way in securing a final goal or out come. Not only as I ran interference with kids over the holiday break but even more so if you watch politics. NOW that is one messed up game - I don't care what side you think you are playing for. . .

There is an unspoken promise that I've made, as I attempt to keep politics away from the 'Innocent Damned' as much as possible. However with the current political system and the games, those messed up high stakes games lacking what appears to be common sense may slip in every now and then.

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