金曜日, 12月 02, 2005


I've been thinking about this for the past few days and the more patterns I begin to notice. Even the simple things have their own built in processes. . .

A lot of the patterns are internal. Outwardly they may have the same result but the rational can very greatly - I mean, hell I know why I turned the corner but why did you? You following me or something?!?

It seems most of our patterns though come out of doing something, anything good, bad and well we won't say too much about ugly. Some patterns are helpful and work toward that aid in further negotiations in what ever realm we may be working in. This is how most cultures survive and thrive - - by using a set of agreed patterns for both communication and the exchange of goods.

Technology has added an additional twist to this that ranks up there with the invention of money. From barter, (that will be 5 sheep and an Ox sir. . . oh, and don't tell me you have it in your other stable) to now carrying a bunch of cash around - listing to one side due to all the pennies, has been replaced by one little plastic card. There is A LOT of faith in this system.

I mean you can hear the sheep - feel the coin - but how does binary feel running through your fingers?

Even Sam Spade looked for the patterns around him to help solve the case at hand.

Brigid O'Shaughnessy: Help me.

Sam Spade: You won't need much of anybody's help. You're good. Chiefly your eyes, I think, and that throb you get in your voice when you say things like 'Be generous, Mr. Spade.'

Brigid O'Shaughnessy: I deserve that. But the lie was in the way I said it, not at all in what I said. It's my own fault if you can't believe me now.

Sam Spade: Ah, now you are dangerous.

This is an interesting approach that many are saying we have to skip, as past patterns will not help solve future endeavors. Yet on some level this is exactly what we have to do to some extent - or face the wrath of repeating the mess over. (Oops just let out the bigger secret of all those stupid math classes I took. - - well at least I passed them, took me years to figure out the second part)

I'm not saying that only the past will guide us to the future, some patterns may help, but there is still a time and place for thinking out of the box. (Try fixing a computer with a large stick - it's only partly successful and even that is a fleeting release of frustrated stress, still can't get back on line to play games - unless you like the drums :)

Patterns are also more often than not used to identify weaknesses in our adversaries. Be they computer generated, real life players, or just those poor folks that are passing by we use the pattern of their movement and speech to identify strengths and weaknesses then decide on our next course of action (whether it is to help, harm or ignore).

Most of us try to get through the sticky spots a quickly and quietly as possible, which makes me wonder just how much time we work to enable us to get to a zen auto-pilot state of auto processing any given situation we are in - or say screw it and ignore it all together.

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