日曜日, 1月 01, 2006

Power Vacuum

I realize it has been a while since my last post, but I'm not sure if anyone is reading this other than me - which puts a shift on priorities when it come to maintaining this site or doing something else.

Anyway - - recent thoughts have put this quandary in my path. . .

If power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely then how does one find one worthy to lead?

In general there seems to be two types of personalities when it comes to power. Those that want power - and search power out, and those that shun power and try avoid it - even if it means just giving it away to anyone who will take it.

Even in our mythos the stories are filled with great hero's who did not want power or greatness but had it literally thrust upon them - while others who craved power through any means provided the world's greatest villains, right up to the point of implosion as they fought to hang on to that power anyway they can.

Keep in mind that so far I haven't mentioned other character traits - no charm, people skills, strength in war, or farming - JUST POWER talking here.

So back to the original question - how does one choose a worthy leader?

Is there one out there anymore, does it matter - in most games the leader is already chosen, and the only aid you really get from them is go here and fight this or that (maybe you get some gear out of the deal but that's about it). Or do we resolve to try and choose the lesser of two evils and hope for the best?

I used to believe in the great mythos of good powerful leaders - it's right up there with the belief that many singles hold that someday their prince or princess will come and carry them away and they will happily ever after.

But as I get older and sarcasm and cynicism seeps deeper into my bones these dreams are growing thin and the illusion is starting to show the stark reality of just how much work is needed to make this reality come to pass.

In many ways it gives me deeper meaning into Bilbo's parting words as he left the Shire in the 'Fellowship'
"I'm old, Gandalf. I know I don't look it but I'm beginning to feel it in my heart. I feel thin... sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don't expect I shall return. In fact I mean not to."
And yet for all my ranting I have yet to find a decient answer to the question. . .

Till I find a good answer I'll push this with the rest of lifes confusion back onto the back burner and push forward as best I can, for it will do me no good to quit - but may aid in killing many hours in quite debate here deep in 'Plato's Cave', watching as others play with shadow puppets on the wall. . . after a bit I'll probably join them - who knows.

2 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

It's not that no one is reading, it's just that most of the people reading your blog know you in real life, and thus find it easier to talk to you there. At least in most cases.

Unknown さんのコメント...

true - but with vacations all over the place during this time of year. and all schecules being scattered it's hard to tell who's here and who made the escape.