土曜日, 1月 07, 2006

Stress for Your Health

Man, I don't know when it happened. . .but somewhere stress became a good way to stay healthy.

Not that too much won't kill ya or nothin' but the body tends to get it's own revenge once guarding against the outside attacks stop.

It's interesting how family can help keep stress under control - you know that spot between please kill me now and I wonder what they are up to this time?

In my case my body took advantage of the opportunity once my dad and I got the roof fixed - - the builder got me again. On the plus side at least it started dripping while I was home (I can only imagine the mess I would find if I came home to it after work). So although messy it kept the stress up high enough to prevent illness.

However once the repair was done I started getting a cold, still fighting off that one - if all goes well I'll be 'right as rain', what ever that means by Monday, and ready to go back to work.

So until then. . .sleep seems to come in two hour increments with being awake for a few hours before crashing again

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