金曜日, 1月 20, 2006


What is it?

Some would argue that the only ones that can receive the happily doomed title must be related by blood. . . or have the opportunity of adoption through legal or social means (marriage seems to be a good example).

Yet many would argue that family are those that we have strong social ties to - - which makes that whole 'it takes village thing' a tad bit creepy. Work seems to fit this area, which can be both beneficial and/or creepy depending on the business you're in. For me, this family isn't too bad, and as one co-worker stated that will all the vacations going on you kind of miss this place after a while.

Online families seem to exist too. From the 'Godfather' of guilds/cults, to some games including virtual marriage (not sure how that works with the whole responsibilities and other duties as assigned), but then I'm not really clear on that in the temporal world either.

So here is the question - rather than listen to me ramble.

What makes a family?

2 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

You know, at times I feel the English language just isn't up to spec, and this is one of them. In English, when referencing the people we care about, we have 'friend' and we have 'family'. But we don't have a term for those people who blur the line. We may not technically be related to them, but they are way more than 'friends' to us. We need to go out and get the English 3.5.2 patch, download the latest version, and get all those features that were on the back of the box but never made it into retail. Otherwise I'm gonna have to start hacking in and pulling stuff from other languages until I get one that's actually complete.

Unknown さんのコメント...

I've been thinking about your comment Mr. Tiger and it reminded me of this quote from "The Office", orignal british, made by Tim:

"The people you work with are people you were just thrown together with. I mean, you don't know them, it wasn't your choice. And yet you spend more time with them than you do your friends or your family. But probably all you have in common is the fact that you walk around on the same bit of carpet for eight hours a day."

Scary thing is sometimes I think I know more about this random family than the one I came from - - just depends on the day.