土曜日, 1月 28, 2006


This is going to be a messed up post I can just tell. . .

Even as I think what to write the imagery blooms from what is reality to MMORPGs, the matrix and Plato's Cave. It might even pull out some of the forgotten "Lost Post" I referred to earlier. . . who knows. As for .Hack//Sign, a quick google search will tell you more than I can in this limited blog space - for now it's a good blurring of reality for anyone that's been caught up in an MMORPG.

As we fight though it all there seems to be a thread that keeps asking the question "what is real?", and just how much faith and perserverance does one need to keep their core together?

It's scary but I've seen it happen - - it's strange how typing brings back memories sometimes. Like this quote from a 'Batman' cartoon when on the aniversary of his parents death Batman meets with a close friend at the site where the robbery/murder took place so long ago:

Dr. Leslie Thompkins: You seem quieter than usual tonight.

Batman: Every year I come here and wonder if it should be the last time, if I should put the past behind me, try to lead a normal life.

Dr. Leslie Thompkins: Santayanna says, "Those who forget the past are condemed to repeat it."

Batman: He also said a fanatic is someone who redoubles his efforts while losing sight of his goal.
It is amazing though to watch how people will cling to a reality or shun it depending on perspective, and even more amazing the human spirit and will - how we can be destroy'd so easy and yet survive so much.

I guess in the end it just depends on what you've anchor'd your reailty to, and where you keep the madness hidden inside and what form it may take later. . .

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