月曜日, 2月 13, 2006

The Fates of Chaos

The Greeks had this great idea that fate controlled all our worldly endeavors, which is no small task. To handle this jumbled up reality where the gods played with mortals on a regular basis when you least expected it, took a 3-in-1 approach (one to make the 'string of life' one to 'weave' it and the third to cut, er 'end the life').

If you think about it, it sort of makes sense like reincarnation, where just about the time you think you escaped your karmic inheritance you come back as a cockroach or mosquito. (plus side mosquitoes don't live long so the odds of moving up are pretty good for your next life.)

Then there is chaos, lovely and dark most people find this disturbing lack of order abhorrent, scary thing is how much of our, er my reality seems to be touched by it (read 'our' if you feel your reality is touched with a little chaos too ;)

True Chaos is easier, and in many times plays with chance to explain the oddities of life. Order to chaos is like Terra-forming the Sahara, or building sand castles on the beach - you can do it but the odds of it lasting through eternity are like nil. What is funnier to me though, in a black morbid sense of the word, is how many people try to force there agenda through the chaos. Nine times out of Ten the Realm of Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos just ignores the wisher or just laughs back, and for the lucky one that gets their wish - - well all I can say is watch out for a Tsunami. . .

Until then feel free to jump on in - the Chaos is nice and warm this time of year - well sometimes, other times it's a nice brisk chill that will stand the hair up on the back of your neck. . . 'til next time.

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