水曜日, 2月 22, 2006

Mutually Assured. . .

Without warning have you ever sensed a theme passing through your life? Like the universe is giving you a clue - whether you want it or not?

This isn't the phase thing that burns like a shooting star that causes obsession, then burns-out, but rather something so subtle you may have over looked it all together had it not been for multiple snip-its from different aspects of your reality.

This weekend was one of those for me - nothing earth shaking, just a gentle reminder - that if the world hit's critical mass it will fix itself and life will go on *crosses fingers*, *knocks on wood*, and the importance of having someone you can really count on, and sometimes the inevitable will come where the best that can be done is to survive it.

I sense some confusion. . . let me explain.

Through out our known history it seems that when ever we as humans get out of line something happens to put us back in our place. Sometimes these things are subtle other times they are catastrophic by nature and design.

In ancient times it was usually something of a natural phenomenon, such as plague, famine, flood etc. (you could include war if you want, the ancients had them too.)

Now they seem a little bit more 'human-made' either through our own stupidity, or the by the miss-adventures of a few, notice here that they don't have to be brainiacs, that have forgotten the question, "Just because I can, should I?"

In the end though be it fate, destiny, or some grand cosmic plan the universe seeks balance to place everything back in perspective. Be it through the Black Plague, forest fires, civil 'unrest' (just a nice way of saying civil war but anyway), or incoming large objects from distant lands - - balance will be restored. Come Hell, High-water, and telemarketing spammers. *shutters*

As for having someone to count on, personally I think this ups the chances of survival, and if what they say is true about misery loving company when it all hits the fan at least you won't be alone. Just promise not to kill each other off right away :P

Unless you're that poor guy in the Twilight Zone trying to read books. .

*special thanks to Submitted for your Perusal for the wave files.
**double bonus g for readers that find 'em too.

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