金曜日, 3月 03, 2006

Greener Grass

This one has been playing around in the back of my mind for the past week or so. A conformation of that all the cliques I have heard since I was a kid are not true.

So next time Virginia asks if the Grass is Greener on the other side you can 9 times out of 10 say 'No'.

This has been repeatedly shown not only in the new server I've been playing on (PVP Alliance this time), and have felt the cold blade shock of the Horde this time, compared to my previous experience with PVP where I was playing Horde characters.

One thing is for sure, with realities like this its no wonder that many peace processes seem to fail in real life, and short of the population issues that may occur that whole res thing would be quite nice though.

However I saw a really good Anime series called Kino no Tabi that says how are you supposed to know the color of the grass without going to take a look. Definitely worth the watch, but not really for the kids, not sure how little Jimmy would handle seeing a rabbit take a bullet to the head and then bleed out a bit, however the story-lines are engaging for the older viewer and raise some interesting questions along the way.

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