木曜日, 5月 25, 2006

Beware of Shifting Binary

For those who have been here in the past this new look might come as a shock. I've been toying with the idea now for the past month or so - - but found that messing with the links on the side were enough to placate the urges to begin the undertaking.

Well that and the fact I feel like I have NO idea when it comes to playing with Blogger code. Then last night I broke down and just out of curiosity Googled that which my heart desired. (for Blogger code that is - have yet to find all those other things I'm looking for in life, but I'd imagine they are out there :)

The beauty of the code in this case is that short of some code rearrangement this is a PURE cut and paste situation.

For anyone in the mood to take a look at some of the other sets they have feel free to take a look at: http://blogger-templates.blogspot.com/


As for Tekk. . . well he's on vacation for a while until I can find a good way to get him back in. Until then he is dining on virtual mice and lovely green binary catnip.

Later I may even figure out how to get a half decent profile up - this code although easy to use takes the entire image size instead of shrinking it a touch like the old template. Until then enjoy what's here and who knows maybe I'll make some more changes as I go.

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