水曜日, 5月 17, 2006

Calm Before. . .

The ease of procrastination has been incredible recently. Many might argue the recently hot weather but it's something more. Like I'm waiting for something to arrive (but not nearly as bad a Christmas or New Years).

The scary thing is that this isn't like normal procrastination - - yeah my lawn still needs to be mowed but it's not like the normal denial that might let the grass just brown up and blow away. Instead the time is being filled doing other things, working on things at work or helping family with air conditioners. And here's the really messed up spot - I don't feel guilty.

One might argue that I've taken denial to a new level, one of near Zen, or that I've grown totally numb to this reality - in which case time to prepare for lightning to strike and guard against incoming storms. As something is comes this way and I know not what it is. . .

On another note I've been playing with the links again on the side - - and knowing me I will probably continue to do so for some time. It won't be anything major, most likely just a change up of the "Traveler's" listed at the top. Every now and then the randomness of blog surfing seems to be as good as a long walk or traveling to a different land.

One more vote for the virtual community of the 'Net.

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