土曜日, 5月 20, 2006

2nd Tier

I've been toying with the idea of doing a web page again, but have yet to sell myself on it.

I've done a few in the past but it's so hard to keep the thing up to date, and in the end it becomes nothing more than a billboard like one you see on the side of the road that says, "Eat @ Joe's - open 24hrs".

For the traveler it's not like Joe's has anything bad for it (well other than the stagnate food on the page) but generally there is no real reason to stop by. 'Blogs have made keeping things up and moving so much easier. True text has trouble being dynamic but then that is what Tekk is for, and the random changing of the links on the side.

So for now the webpage stuff is still in debate -- If I ever decide to do another one and get it up for something other than just file storage though I'll be happy to celebrate by making a post and providing a link on the side.

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