月曜日, 5月 08, 2006


Haruhi: "Normal humans don't interest me. If anyone here is an alien, from the future, from a different dimension, or an esper, then come find me! That is all."

Kyon: (...Eh?!)

For one of my regular readers this post should come as no surprise - it was just a matter of time, especially when they were nice enough to provide a translation site for the project they had recently become addicted to. Hell after the first few lines I joined them in the addiction.

WARNING: This series of books is VERY Japanese, and due to it's original writing and publishing in Nippon there are not explanations about the cultural aspects experienced.

Now if this hasn't scared you off and you can handle reading off the screen enjoy :)

The first book has recently been completed as of the writing of this post but there is much more to go - - Due to my lacking skills in translation I'd like to leave a continuing thanks to the folks at www.baka-tsuki.net - doing the project. (and hope they really do like all those fools out there)

Edit: Incase of further addiction I've added a link along the side for Haruhi underneath "Escape Artist" Enjoy - -

3 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Ermm... I prolly should have said something sooner, but it's 'tsuki': moon, not 'suki': like... Anyway, I'm glad you like it. After all, I'm sure your last couple addictions have been waning, so it was probably pretty good timing that this I came across this when I did.

And on an unrelated note, you'd think that given how often I give that cat steaks, it'd stop eating my blasted cursor...

Unknown さんのコメント...

lol - i knew my japanese was rusty just not that rusty - - well a fool's moon does make more sense, thanks for the correction.

as for the cat - i think it's just playing with the mouse, while scarfing the steaks.

personally i'm suprised that the programer hasn't figured out a way to make the pet grow depending on how much food it has been given - - scratch that this page isn't big enough.

Unknown さんのコメント...

oh while checking a few links on Haruhi i found this is already a TV show - - not sure if some of the fans have already translated it for the rest of us to enjoy though.