火曜日, 5月 30, 2006

Information Overload

How do humans do it?

I mean really, there are days when I feel like I'm either given too much information and other times when there just isn't enough. Most of the important stuff falls into the category of not enough while the trivial items really hit that TMI (Too Much Information) index hard and keep going.

I mean really I don't care about the thread count of the high fashion world or how it impacts the silk industry of china, and yet trying to get a strait information out of a politician. . . (yeah I said politician - sometimes there's just no way to avoid them, short of suicide and I'm just not there yet).

Which raises the next question when did the world change from choosing the better of two good to the lesser of two evils? I admit making a decision does take weighing the pros and cons but the cons are getting loose and eating the pros for flavorful snacks anymore. Maybe it is all an illusion, that with our ability to gather information at greater speeds we become tainted with bias and cynicism takes hold making sarcasm a truth closer to common sense.

In the end though for my own personal survival and to keep some portion of what many call sanity I ignore more than I should. I tune it out like a little kid plugging their ears and singing "La-la-la-la don't want to know it and you can't make me" I find ways to escape the darkness short of burning down reality in an apocalyptic fireworks factory fire - although some days that does sound like fun :P

So here's the question - other than hermitage is there a cure for Information Overload? Keep in mind that the answer can't include the hiring of a staff to sort this stuff out (we have those lovely media guys/gals for that not to mention all those cute government officials) or the heavy use of various drugs - - I'm including mind altering and muscle relaxants among others, not all considered drugs in the classical sense of the Rx world.

<-End Rant->

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