木曜日, 6月 01, 2006

Not Expected

For those who know what this site looked like recently the loss of all color and images seems a bit strange. I went out to the site that provided the nice view but it looks like the owner of the images has been tagged with too much bandwidth usage - - needless to say this does not bode well for the whole new look thing. . .

5 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

So, uh, now what? The plain text view may be easy on the browser but the eyes're another matter. Any plans for gettin' the place back into shape, or are ya just gonna collect the blog insurance and move on?

Unknown さんのコメント...

I had dreams of a self healing situation where the place I got the code would fix their issues and then watch the repairs trickle down.

Guess I'm a little further toward the bottom than I care to admit.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Ah, the ol' wait and pray method of repair, huh? Good luck with that. ;D

And, no offense meant, but this has been a pretty good lesson as to why I never want to change my template. The one I've got is simple, efficient, and has a very low likelihood of getting up and walking away one me.

Unknown さんのコメント...

Changing the Template wasn't the problems, no telling if I'll ever stop messing with that.

This has been a good lesson though in having control of the graphics location.

If I had the graphics in a safe and secure location this issue never would have happened.

Unknown さんのコメント...

oh and no offense taken - - hell any tech know that some times the wait and pray method is the only true way to test not only one's faith but sanity as well :P