水曜日, 6月 14, 2006

Deep Space

"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space. Listen ..." and so on.

Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The concept of the sheer vastness of space is quite daunting, and for the most part I think that the human mind in order to cling to some form of sanity will usually push trivial item out of their mind until they feel the need or use to come to terms with it.

Such is my fate that I'm now coming to terms with just how BIG space is as I explore the Universe of Eve.

"Ooooooo, look at the pretty nebula."

4 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

The thing I liked most about EVE is how free it is. You can be a miner, or a soldier, or a pirate, or a crafter, or a courier, or a bounty hunter, or, or.... You really don't get that level of control in any other MMO.

So, care for a third ship to round out your fleet? ;D

Unknown さんのコメント...

I agree the level of freedom is quite amazing. Even if you get into one area and decide to change your ming it's not a problem to pick up the skills needed.

Sad thing is you can only have one character learning per account.

As for a 3rd ship - - sure. For the next month or so it will be nice to have a familiar voice in the darkness :)

Unknown さんのコメント...

'k - so space is big, sometimes it might be too big. Started a delivery and spent the next 45+ min in warp getting to and from the destination.

On the plus side as long as there are no PKs in the area I can read a book or watch TV while I wait. (now that just sounds wrong)

I fear this might be the killing factor in my account at the end of the month subscription.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Yeah, with this sort of game you've gotta have something else to do nearby for those long runs. Personally I run in windowed mode so's I can wander the net and such while I wait.