水曜日, 7月 26, 2006

Ramblings - *Kerplunk*

It's something that has always been there - most user's of technology don't realize it. In many ways it is better this way - if they did it might cause a panic, as fear of the unknown would begin to work on their psyche.

Technology seems to run on two fronts of either 'hey look what I'm doing' or 'even though I look like a rock on the surface the electrons are firing like crazy down here inside'.

In that sense they are like humans - and we prefer to know our friend/foe on most days and like to see something happening on the surface (even if nothing is going on underneath). This seems be the case until some form of trust has been built - then it doesn't matter so much what is happening on top as long as things are getting done.

It's due to this innate desire to know what's going on in a computer - hence little moving graphics that give the appearance of something that is really nothing.

Of course this can lead to a form of information overload where we start shutting off those little graphics and work on faith that the machines are not out to get us and it will all work for our good.

And if they are out to get us - - then what?

- Autopilot, it's what is steering many around mountains anymore -

We are going around the mountains aren't we?

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