金曜日, 7月 14, 2006


I feel like such a slacker on the blog front right now - between getting the house ready and my latest addiction (thanks to J for that one :) with more to come later).

I've never sold anything like a house before - it's nothing like the slave labor that the schools used to employ me as to go sell chocolate bunnies, tins of cookies or all that other stuff in hopes of paying off efforts with left over school carnival prizes - there is a lot more waiting involved.

All this waiting gives me the feeling like I'm playing economic chicken with the hopes someone with the cash will turn on my road and then not be able to figure a way off it again. The interesting thing to really see in our area is how the market has gone from a 'sellers' to a 'buyers' market. Now if I could just find a buyer in my market :P

Enough of that stuff though - now for the addiction part.

To keep it simple - I've become a true playing Villian.

In many ways this game is simpler than World of Warcraft - no crafting, or auction house to worry about. In other ways it is far more complicated - for those who believe in variety this game is a feast that may break the table it is built on - from character creation right on through.

The world is chaotic - with most NPCs (Gangs, Snakes, Police, Longbow etc.) trying to challenge your skills, and then peppered with a few civilians that wander freely through the war-zone. The instancing for missions though is quite nice - if you can get to the mission start zone it's all yours once you get in (you can share with team mates if you want, but the area will not be cleaned for you by any other high levels looking for something to kill time with, while farming for auction stuff or gear for another low level character).

The only down fall is there is no way to repec your talents short of creating another character, and I'm still fighting with the chat system (for something so simple this one has been a real pain)

Note: for those familiar with this game - - currently I find my inner villian is more of a mastermind (now if I could just get those cool gravity powers >:)

3 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

The only down fall is there is no way to repec your talents short of creating another character

Actually, I don't believe that's quite true. Later on in the game (around level 20-30, I think), you should be able to take a mission that lets you re-pick your powers and enhancement slots, but not your actual power sets, unfortunately. At least I know this is true for the hero side; I can't imagine it would be too different for the villians. And yeah, that chat system is kind of a pain to get used to first off.

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Oh, I forgot to ask: which power set did you take for your Mastermind? If I had to guess, I would say you probably went with the NINJAS!!! power. *giggles hysterically*

Unknown さんのコメント...

I played around with some various combinations and have settled into the Merc's machine gun with tech support - -

Although you are right I did do Ninjas the first time - - problem was they didn't know how to blow up a car without getting killed.

(Seems robot and mercs have the best ranged attacks, and I like the range and stun effect I get from the machine gun.)