月曜日, 8月 14, 2006

Ruts, Graves and Locks - *Kerplunk*

The human mind is a terribly scary thing as we search for relevant connections from the irrelevant things in our lives there is now telling what we might stumble on or in to.

They say the only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions - the trouble is once we get in a rut it usually ridden to the grave. Occasionally we might feel the need to look out over the rut and see what other people are doing in their rut - just encase there is something cool we can add to our own rut. Later though the walls of our rut get deeper and deeper til the anything out side our personal little path becomes irrelevant.

There are times though when we need to change our rut or we need a little bit of a lift to stay in the rut we have grown accustomed- when our way of life is effected in unforeseen ways that force a change. (Here's where the Lock comes in.)

Keep in mind I'm guessing here but I'd say 85% + of humans have no stronger innate desire than survival (this is . To enhance the chance of survival when forced to change ruts we have installed a basic Lock System - kind of like the Panama Canal, which allows us to tread water long enough to get up and over our rut and either find a new one or start a new rut instead of getting washed directly into our grave or, out to sea depending on your preference.

Either way in the end things have changed, but at least we are still around to enjoy it.

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