火曜日, 8月 15, 2006

Trekkin' After 40 Years

Caption: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, and Ensign Ricky are
beaming down to the planet. Guess who's not coming back.

It's the unique that normally catches my eye - - found this poster at Star Trek Inspirational Posters, they remind me of some of the sarcasm that exists at Despair.com but have that distinctive Star Trek feel that has become a cultural icon.

Hard to believe Gene Roddenberry even got that wagon-train into the stars, and even more amazing that it is still there after 40 years of space exploration, an easy 2 generations or more for most families that grew up with Capt. James T. Kirk. (even here in Celephais)

Almost makes you wonder what they will be finding in the next 40 years. . .

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