火曜日, 9月 12, 2006

Kino's Pachelbel

I'm not sure why this song seems to linger in my mind - - I may never fully understand it and to tell you the truth there are much worse songs to have crammed in my cranium.

For some reason though I went to the tune tonight and felt the need to copy down the English lyrics - - hopefully I'll be able to track down the Japanese version, but so far I've had no luck - - may just pull what I can from the show it's self but I can only how badly I screw that up.

Anyway here's what I was able to get so far from episode 4: Land of Adults


Far off memories of birds flying through the air
My desires fly on wings of my dreams
All thoughts from the heart of a spring day
I send to the other side of that rainbow

I can see the world's reflection in your smile

Later when Kino sings while working on Hermes and later as the episode ends:

Your eyes are a mirror in which
I can see the world's reflection
Without ever forgetting your kindness

Even if my heart is full of sad words
I will stare long and hard at the stars

Pachelbel has always been haunting, I guess the lyrics (especially when heard in the original Nihongo). This song also added a strong anchor for the series for me - a reality cross over so to speak :)

This is also the episode that the following quote comes from:

Though I did not know the place,
I set out for the land of my dreams.
Having arrived at the land of my dreams,
I found I did not know the place.

And that quote alone could easily become a posting of its own - - but that is a different story.

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