日曜日, 9月 17, 2006

Coin Toss

Is it better to be known or unknown?

We carry a history with us - and short of a an external influence (ex. conk on the head) it's sometimes hard to forget what "has been" in hopes of creating a better "what will be". To accomplish this is almost as ingrained into the American psyche as the ideas Mom, Baseball, and Apple Pie.

For some it's a fantasy the goal to go somewhere where no one knows your name and start over - clean, fresh, a new beginning. The cliche answer is only if the person has done something REALLY bad, something that there is no way to over come. I don't buy it though. . .

I've talked with some where there is no boogie man to flee from, but there is the curiosity of wondering what might be, and the challenge of am I strong enough to start over.

To be known in is double edged. For it will speed up certain processes where we are known. A good example of this is access - be it for keys, combinations, or abilities if you can justify it odds are with your list of contacts and a little luck you'll be inside before you know it, Vs. the unknown soul, well it becomes more of game of skill and luck on how well you can run your internal "Social Programming" skills in the real world.

Deep down people want to help, and in many cases this over rides common sense so depending on how good you are you may be in quicker than the known entity that is still waiting to play the game.

So in the end I guess this point becomes moot - - the known may have some creature comforts but in the end Big Brother will be tracking us all shortly. Either way our access at the bottom, short of joining some secret society like the Mafia, or Illuminati will remain as it always has.

I guess that is the one advantage of hanging around and building a rep or having master social hacker skills - sooner or later you might get a shot at knowing more than you want to. Which really raises the question once you have glimpsed the grail what 'cha gonna do next? Is there a place to hide - I mean REALLY hide anymore?

This post really went Tao on me - with the idea that traveling the path may be done at home, as the world is constantly changing, therefore everything we need to learn comes to us.

Yet one of the things that makes travel so enlightening is the people we meet, the customs we experience, the ideas we share that we may not encounter had we not left on our journey.

So even if there is no place to hide - there are still some really enlightening things to experience.

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