木曜日, 9月 21, 2006

Damnata Innocentia Hits 100

Scary, it's been about a year since DI received its first post.

In other news though I've been kicking around the question - How'd we make it this far? Not so much for DI but the human race in general.

Today on the way to the dentist's office, special thanks to J :), I saw a kid riding their bike with a large motocross helmet on. Lime green and white with a face guard along the front, the kids head seemed to lean forward a bit due to the extra weight. Combine that with the kids backpack and he should have excellent momentum for going down hill but up hill is gonna be a rough go.

In the short run though I think the helmet poses a greater risk to health benefit.

Even 10 years ago bike helmets were rare, go back a generation and they were nearly unheard of. All those dangers we faced on a day to day basis, why aren't we all dead?

I guess what this post is boiling down to is something along the lines of is life TOO protected at times? It seems when society comes out with another set of protective rules the other side takes it another step (bungie jumping comes to mind, as does many other extreme sports).

It's not as though some of the more day to day dangers have changed, but sometimes society's over reaction robs humanity of the simple learning experiences. And if Humanity does need a little re-alignment at times why not let them earn a Darwin Award while they are at it? Who knows maybe we'll breed back in some Common Sense.

'nuff said

If I'm not careful here I'll end up talking about various positions (like politicians) that only exist to try to justify their existence - it's a real enigma, rather like the chicken and the egg.

Sorry about the lack of pictures -- it seems like the down-loader doesn't like me much anymore, but I'll try to add some as we progress through our next 100 postings :)

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