木曜日, 9月 07, 2006

The Past of Ophelia Grymm pt.1

Ophelia Grymm
Born: Mary J. Knight

I joined Longbow to fight Arachnos’ threat in the early days, finding my calling in training new agents.

It was the weekend of the Hunter’s Moon when my current group of recruits were nearing there final training when they were sent to a remote area for a survival skills test. Due to the strangeness of the mission I insisted on accompanying the group to finish out the training requirements required by Longbow HQ.

Days from any Longbow encampments or local villages, I was quite pleased with how my recruits were handling the challenges of the survival tasks placed upon them. There were a few like Thomas Tarro and Patricia O’Malley which showed true skill in both working with the other recruits and mastering the survival techniques – defiantly a pair to keep track of.

It was the screams that pulled me out of a strange nightmare I was having – sitting bolt upright, the camp appeared to be set in a blaze of fire in the light from the Hunter’s Moon, and a Circle of Thorns dagger was cutting through my tent wall. Years of training ended the owner of that dagger quick and silent.

AS I left the tent my senses were rocked by the chaos that enveloped the camp. Many of the recruits were dead, where they lay; a few however were putting up a valiant but doomed defense.

I fought my way to the defenders only to get there as an archer’s shaft plunged through the chest of Patricia. None were spared – I had heard of these runs where the Circle of Thorns gathered spectral recruits and sacrifices for the demons they served – this was not going to end well.

[[ This is for a CoV character bio - - it doesn't fit in the bio box but it was a nice change of writing pace. Part II will most likely be posted in the next couple of days :) ]]

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