水曜日, 10月 18, 2006

Hard Copy

Not sure how many readers out there remember WAY back when I started an educational endeavor to get my Bachelor's Degree. Well, after a year of weekend classes, Internet papers and projects, and an Internship I completed the course requirements in the spring.

Since then there has been very little contact between me and the school other than the various fees involved with getting the magic piece of paper, the Hard Copy.

Insert Scanned Image Here

I had planned to scan in a copy of the diploma here, but for some reason my scanner is on the fritz - so imagine it above and know that for now (well at least until I get my bill paid down) I am content with my paper'd confirmation of being a Bachelor.

Now if I could just get my house to sell, but that is a different story.

2 件のコメント:

Mr. the Tiger さんのコメント...

Hey, congratz, man! Sorry I'm late, but I've been rather ~bzzzt~ lately. Y'know, in case you hadn't noticed. =D

Unknown さんのコメント...

no worries - i know how busy people can get (it's one of the reasons i started DI). it's not very often i actually have good news to share like this and thought i'd share for those who might be interested :)