木曜日, 10月 19, 2006

Greatly Missed

It's not very often I take notice of someone leaving the blogiverse - - but I think I will greatly miss the comments of —furyouhin creater, dreamer and writer of God's and Ghosts, I wish her well in her journey.

Below is her final post. I thought about just quoting part of it, but to do that is to ruin the thought she has worked so hard to write:

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Words are free in the sense that we do not pay money to use them. We each may use as many or as few as we desire, no lifetime limits, deciding how much of our inner selves we wish to reveal to others in our frail efforts to communicate; slivers of the demons and angels residing inside shoved out into the light, seeking understanding, salvation, absolution, to salve our wounds, to assuage loneliness.

In person, I don't often speak. Conversations flow past me faster than I can process, too much time spent lost in eddies of words; the quiet one in the corner trying to peel the strata of what was said from what was meant from what is thought from what is felt. It often appears I'm not paying attention but I am, a depth of interest my body language is unable to convey while words wash over me, drowning in another's thoughts at the expense of my own.

Much of what is written here I would never say aloud, couldn't say aloud as there wouldn't be enough breath in my body to get it all out, only my fingers on keys able to keep pace.

I feel like I've used a lot of words, here in this place, maybe too many. They are free but they still took a toll, written and read. All I know now is I feel like I've used enough words and there's nothing left for me to say.

Thank you for listening. Please take care.


posted by furyouhin at 1:54 AM

Maybe one day she will find more to say, or the words will not take such a toll. For now though I think I'll leave her link up, and wish her the peace she seeks.

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