日曜日, 10月 22, 2006

Traditional Value

I've never been pumpkin picking out in the field before. It was something new the kids seemed to enjoy it, and it got me to thinking about traditions. For good or ill they seem to exist no matter where go, acting as a link to our past, generally giving comfort to the present, and hope for the future.

It's like the tangible action that provide triggers for past memories. In many ways some traditions take on a ritualistic strength, such as the iconic Christmas Tree or the Thanksgiving Turkey.

The questions that haunts me though (no pun intended as we grow nearer to Halloween) what would our world be like without traditions? Would it even exist? Humans seem to have the deep down need to create events for social interaction, and to teach customs from one generation to the next. However even if we survived to live in a tradition free world it would feel like a world that has lost a dimension - or watching the sunset in a grey scale.

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