土曜日, 11月 04, 2006

The Grand File Shuffle

One more sign that a little bit of knowledge can be dangerous. . .

From old bits and pieces our little server is about to get a major upgrade (not that that's saying much when you start with an old gateway desktop machine drafted into server duty). And although I know the basics for the build it always feels like I'm doing it for the first time.

At the moment it's just a matter of shifting files for backup so we build and shift to the newer-but-not-so-old desktop that is about to find itself drafted into server service like it's predecessor.

It seems the at the moment in order to fill the needs of the many 'black ops' is the way to go, maybe one day we'll have a real server but till then I'll take what little knowledge we have and walk a precarious line of supporting ourselves so that we can support others.

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

well between the lag and a few other suprises everything seems to still be moving forward.

sometimes i really wonder what i've gotten my self into when i start projects like this.

although this pain will be worth it as we get an extra 500 Mhz to the processor and twice the RAM as before.

and if all goes well i'll make it home before tomarrow :P