月曜日, 11月 06, 2006

Grey Monday

Fall's colors did not last long before the wind pushed its way in. What little color is left seems to either be tightly stuck to the tree or matted down to the ground in a tightly packed brick of oranges and yellows from the recent rainstorms.

I've been wandering the web recently, and bumped into a couple of nice surprises. The first is that some nice folks have started to post B'z and X Japan on YouTube.

B'z has been around for ages, but it's hard to get here in Celephais with out going through the import process. I'll post one of the videos below for anyone who may be interested in watching.

The other group, X Japan, was introduced to by by Kauri in what seems like another lifetime ago, it is unique to say the least. As they play the gambit between Hard Rock and Classical I found the interplay between the two music styles very addicting.

Below is one of the more classical styled songs I heard by them:

sadly X Japan is no longer together due to the tragic loss of a band member what what they leave behind is still pretty impressive.

Well life beckons, or at least the laundry does.

Ja, ato de ne.

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