金曜日, 11月 10, 2006

One Toy Too Many

While growing up there are very few things about television shows and movies I remember - It really had to be something special to reach long term memory at that time in my life.

Hell who am I kidding it takes a lot now unless it's trivia that I'll never need again (that stuff seems to stick like glue).

Anyway one of those images was of good ol'e Han Solo and Chewie - the 'honorable rogue' type that no matter how messed up things got always seemed to find a side door to exit by. In a sense it created an archetype of the brigand just trying to get by who gets sucked into adventures they never had planned to get involved with.

Which makes me beg the question, other than the search for more money when did Han and his faithful Wookie go to Cybertron?

As Han-bot and Chewie-bot [now in movie announcer voice] join forces together to form the Millennium Falcon to race across the galaxy after Boba-bot [end voice] and instead of shooting it up with high power laser cannon fire and a missile or two they separate the ship to "double their power" and fight the evil Boba-bot.


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