火曜日, 12月 19, 2006

Testing, Testing - 1...2...3...

It's not very often I get the chance to mulit-task like this at work. You see every now and then something starts acting funny and and I get the opportunity to play with it.

In this case it's a keyboard - supposedly the "Shift" key is acting up and not shifting when it really 'aught to. The trouble is I don't have a need to type very often, if I can help it - come to think about it I've probably typed more in Blog format by now than I ever considered in High School or even most of my College career.

HAIL backspace, Copy/Paste, and the power to move the cursor to various places within. Without it I'd have gone broke just on the correction fluid used in the typewriter.

As my purchases would go something like a 10:1 ratio between whiteout and actual color ribbon for the typewriter. And with the way they have been eyeing meth-manufacturing in the world I can just imagine the grief that would cost me in the end. As if being a lousy typer is something to be proud of, answering 20 questions every time I needed to do a research paper might have pushed me over the edge - -

Yep there's the 11:00 o'clock news - announcer looking all prim and proper as they go over the details of some college student hold up in the Office Depot demanding safe passage out after finishing some paper on the ancient practices of the Cuthul cult and the influences of the Elder Ones on popular Mythology, and to do this the student demands a secretary who types well, a direct connection to the net for research and a case of whiteout to save any future hostage situations. FHTAGN!!

Anyway, the test is complete - and this keyboard seems to work fine. Maybe they will let me trade :)

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