火曜日, 3月 13, 2007

Voyeurs Of Life or Looking For Hugs In All The Wrong Places

I've been meaning to post about this Sushicam entry "Breaking the Mold" now for the past couple of weeks. It brought back some great insights from my time on Okinawa, and some fond memories from days of amnesia past in high school.

But it raises another question for me - does the technology that has been used to "pull" the world together really been "pushing" us apart?

The art of the unknown, being able to work in the shadows has always been a tried and true method for me in the past. Technology has enhanced that ability to share information without really putting oneself out in the limelight unless they really wanted to.

In some ways one could argue that technology has provided the means of turning the populace around the world into voyeurs of life - experiencing things they never would have had the opportunity to do in the past from the safety of their own surroundings.

Yet there is a contradiction here - usually experience when the technology fails and they scream for a human to come fix it. There are some days, no most days when I really don't want to deal with the bulk of humanity. What started as a mental upper with being able to help those with a question has in many cases turned into a soul draining experience.

Hence the firm and growing belief in the phone being truly EVIL - but that is a mesh of other stories -

So in the end is the knowledge of the experience that provides the means to the end we are searching for?

Gotta think on that one. . . maybe I'll skip it and just go find a hug instead :) a little reassurance goes a long way any more. Guess you can only deny so much.

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