日曜日, 4月 15, 2007

Unstable Stablity - Is It Worth It?

Is it worth it?

Being stable, a functional member of society that can be counted on to accomplish tasks that need to be completed for the good of the order?

Is it worth it?

It seems that if one shows signs of competence and dependability they receive a great big hunter's mark pointing down over your head - screaming to world that if someone gives you a job it will get done.

Is it worth it?

Once you have the reputation of getting a job done suddenly you find that everyone has something they want you to do. Not that they can't do it, but if they can find someone else to do it (and do it well) they are happy to delegate that duty with all it's stress and none of it's privileges.

Where on the flip side you can be completly frakk'd up, clueless lump and everyone will just take care of it for you. Most of the time they just know it's easier and is less stress to do it themselves, even when it's not their job. (Hell i've gone to some places and been tempted to just go in the back and get it myself, be it cooking the food or finding that item that seems to be missing on the shelf.)

So is it worth it? Gotta think on that one. . . and how do you get them to function again? but that begs the question why should they? - It's already taken care of and at least this way they can't mess it up.

I gotta admit sometimes it makes me wonder.

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