火曜日, 5月 22, 2007

Debris of the Thawe I

The flood almost occurred at Christmas, for some reason the stress on the old log-jammed dam had increased. With the steady upstream flow things began moving the old debris down the side of the mountain. After 10 years the erosion had finally begun to take its' toll.

The old farmstead in the valley was nearly washed a way in the muddy deluge that would have come down upon them, yet for now the illusion of safety prevailed - after all it was Christmas.

The signs were there though, and preparations were beginning to be made to leave the farmstead behind when the dam gave way. It was after the spring thaw with weather worn rocks, muddy stumps from the clear cutting above the valley.

There was just nothing left there to hold back the spring rain's torrent strength, and the log-jammed dam was no longer able to withstand the pressure.

Now they flee as refugees to higher ground, doging the muddy water and debris relased from the dam's cracked and splinter'd remains.

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