土曜日, 5月 05, 2007


Okay I admit it one of my addictions is a good anime series. A big thanks to Mr. The Tiger for sharing his great library.

I was re-watching some old //hack.sign episodes when I stumbled on to this little conversation between Crim and the Silver Knight. With my current World of Warcraft addiction it seemed like a good reminder of just what is so special about "The World":

Crim: What are you doing? You're like a zombie, Silver Knight.

Silver Knight: My home, the Crimson Knights, is no longer.

Crim: What about you? When the Knights disbanded did you throw away the pride that was so important to you? Did you lose your own soul as well?

You are still in The World.

You are still alive "here". If you are alive then think. Silver Knight what are you "here" for?

Silver Knight: To do what I want to do.

Crim: To do what you should do. I've said it to Subaru as well. . .

Silver Knight: To Lady Subaru?

Crim: Listen, The World is a game. If its a game you should just enjoy it. Listen to none other than yourself, your heart, your soul!

I'm an explorer at heart, in a game the obstacles are usually secondary to my desire to see what has been created. It's a little harder to do on a PVP (Player vs. Player) realm/server but not all exploration is external.

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